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TDE Upgrade: NIST ThermoData Engine Upgrade Version10.4.5 - Pure Compounds

TDE Upgrade: NIST ThermoData Engine Upgrade Version10.4.5 - Pure Compounds

SKU: SRD103AUV10.4.5


NIST Standard Reference Database 103a NIST ThermoData Engine Version 10.4.5 - Pure Compounds, upgrade from previous version. The NIST/TRC SOURCE data archival system, currently containing approximately 2.2 million experimental data points for pure compounds, is used in conjunction with ThermoData Engine as a comprehensive storage facility for experimental thermophysical and thermochemical property data. Currently, this database contains property data for approximately 29,000 pure compounds and 8,200 chemical reactions with them.

For more details on this NIST Standard Reference Database please use this link

Price: $500.00